cesta textil beige con tres toallas enrolladas en color verde jade de Domsoeiro

Cómo lavar toallas nuevas

Siempre lava tus toallas nuevas antes de usarlas por primera vez. Esto eliminará cualquier químico, pelusa adicional o acabado de silicona que pueda hacerlas menos absorbentes.

A todos nos encanta la sensación de suavidad y textura sedosa de una toalla nueva. La verdad es que tus toallas nuevas deben ser "domadas" primero.

¿Cómo lavar toallas nuevas?

  • En primer lugar, deberás separar tus toallas por color para evitar que se decoloren o manchen.
  • Lávalas a una temperatura máxima de 40 grados para eliminar cualquier suciedad y bacteria. Esta temperatura ayuda a preservar los colores.
  • No uses detergente, en su lugar agrega vinagre de limpieza o bicarbonato de sodio, no dejará ningún olor y suavizará las toallas.
  • Para asegurar una limpieza y enjuague adecuados, evita sobrecargar la lavadora.
  • Utiliza bolas de secado de lana para suavizar y esponjar tus toallas, también minimiza la estática y reduce el tiempo de secado al permitir una mejor circulación de aire durante el ciclo de secado.
  • Seca tus toallas en secadora a baja temperatura o cuélgalas afuera para que se sequen al sol, lo que ayudará a blanquearlas y desinfectarlas de forma natural.
  • Retira tus toallas de la secadora antes de que se sequen por completo y deja que terminen de secarse al aire libre.

cinco toallas de diferentes colores juntas mostrando los detalles de su textura

It is completely normal that your new towels shed, even a few stray threads or cotton fibers. On the first wash, you can remove these.

Do you wash new towels before use?

Yes, you always need to wash your new towels before use.  This removal frees the fabric fibers, enhancing their absorption capacity. Additionally, the initial wash helps eliminate residual lint resulting from the weaving process.

Instructions on how to wash your new towels

1. Separate towels by color

First, you’ll need to separate your towels by color to avoid any bleeding or color stains.

2.  Select the temperature

Wash them at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees Celsius to remove any dirt and bacteria; this temperature helps preserve the colors.


3. Be careful with the detergent

Add cleaning vinegar or baking soda (approximately half a cup of white vinegar or baking soda to the water, along with approximately half the recommended amount of laundry detergente). It won’t leave a smell and will soften the towels.

4. Do not overload the washing machine

To ensure proper cleaning and rinsing, avoid overloading the washing machine. It is completely normal that your new towels shed, even a few stray threads or cotton fibers. On the first wash, you can remove these.

How do you keep new towels when washing?

It’s easy, don’t worry! When considering the maintenance of high-quality towels, their longevity can be significantly extended through the adoption of appropriate procedures.

How to ensure that your towels maintain their excellence over time:

Between uses, it is importante to lay the towels flat over a shower bar or rod to dry. After use, allow the towels to air dry before placing them in the laundry.

Opt for milder detergents and use them in moderate amounts during washing, as excessive use of cleaning products can lead to buildup in the towel fibers. It is recommended to use about half the amount of detergent or fabric softener suggested by the manufacturer.

To protect the towels, avoid products containing bleaching or discoloring agents, such as whitening toothpaste or creams with benzoyl peroxide.

We recomend at least two bath towels for each person, ensuring that there is always a clean and fresh towel available. Avoid ironing towels, as excessive heat can damage the fabric quality.

How do you wash new towels so they don´t pill?

We suggest washing every two to three uses. Opt for cold water and a minimal amount of laundry detergent, as excess soap hinders drying effectiveness. Before drying, give your towels a shake to air out the fabric.

Choose to dry it at a low temperature (high heat damages the fabric) and remove before done, as overdrying can result in brittle fibers.

Overloaded shelves can lead to wrinkles, unpleasant odors, or even mold. It’s preferable to opt for simplicity when organizing your linen closet. In order to keep this space smelling fresh we often place a scented sachet between the folds of our towels.

What not to do:

  • Avoid the use of fabric softeners and bleaching agents, as these can coat the natural fibers.
  • Keep your towels away from household cleaning products and personal care products containing benzoyl peroxide or alpha hydroxy acids, as these can cause discoloration.
  • Avoid washing your towels with items that may pull or snag the fabric, such as clothing with zippers, hooks, or velcro.


Siguiendo estos pasos, tus toallas nuevas estarán limpias, frescas y listas para usar. Proporcionándote una experiencia más lujosa y placentera.

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Cómo hacer que tus toallas queden suaves sin usar una secadora

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